Calling All Lightworkers
The Trick of Time
Time and the Takeover Bid
There is an ongoing Plan for humanity, for humanity’s evolution, which moves through Time. A Time and Motion Study.
Time does not move in an even, sequential flow. This only applies to Theoretical Time. In reality, Time dances and dodges; it ducks in and out in fits and starts. There is much we still have to learn about that divine construct we call Time. Evolution, as we know, is cyclic – the turning of a great wheel; and at the same time, the cycling of a great spiral. In reality, the Great Wheel turns “upon itself.” It turns in every way and in both ‘forward’ and ‘reverse’ motions simultaneously. It moves both clockwise and anticlockwise at once, and also at right angles to itself. This is impossible for us to grasp until which time we develop four-dimensional consciousness.
Within humanity, there is a large collective base of knowledge of history and the natural world, and we have gathered a certain amount of reliable information about the mind and behaviour of humans. However, we are at the very beginning of our understanding of the interdimensional nature of reality, and of how we might tap into that reality. It has been known about in secret circles of advanced wisdom for aeons but humanity in general, has much to learn.
Even those of us who have stepped onto the path, and those who have taken the lower initiations, have but little conscious knowledge and experience of this on the outer plane. We are powerful in dimensions beyond that which we currently understand. So, indeed, are the dark forces. We are witness to an interdimensional battle in Time. It is not science fiction. We have our feet firmly on the ground and yet we work in other, higher dimensions, in finer expressions of reality. We must trust in this power and capability. We must “act as if” we are the soul, which is an Adept or master, on its own plane. Our souls work with the Adepts for the good of the whole. We may not be aware of this but it is happening, nevertheless. Our soul is the “solar angel,” an angelic being of great wisdom and experience, whose nature is love.
If we were to use an example of what is happening in Time in humanity’s evolution, and if we could see what the Adepts can see on the inner planes, we would see a “great takeover bid for the Earth,” going forward on behalf of the dark, and pushing humanity aggressively backwards. There is increasing polarization on the Earth. The dark forces have made great strides in their work, bringing into materialization their dark agenda, that is, to hold humanity in cruel bondage and suffering, and to keep us from evolving. It makes no difference to the reality of the situation, which terms we might choose to use – dark-light, good-bad, positive-negative, freedom-bondage. If we could express the situation like this:
Recently and unexpectedly, the dark made a huge stride forward, and took the Light by surprise. Inflammation burst forth on the inner planes, all over the globe. The nuclear clock moved dangerously close to midnight; let us say metaphorically, two minutes to midnight. The Adepts saw the likely, imminent attack of the dark, using nuclear weapons.
Even more recently, in fact, in the last two weeks, the light made a stride of its own, in opposition to the dark. There is now a certain waking up, some breaking of the spell of the dark, which is taking place within humanity. The Adepts are very heartened by this development! However, they say the clock has only moved back to three minutes to midnight. We have lost a great deal of ground to the dark, and there is no room for complacency. There is no time to relax. We must understand that Time can suddenly accelerate, and situations can turn rapidly. It may be beyond our current comprehension however, we are being made aware of this possibility by the Adepts, and are being asked to take this into full account.
We must take spectacular advantage of this brilliant shift into the light! The Adepts say…
“A Worldwide Malaise
What Is this Terrestrial Sickness that Sweeps the Planet?
We Must Move Quickly
We Must Act Thoroughly
We Must Take Advantage of the Shift
We Must Tap the Momentum
Yes, We Are Battle Weary
We Take it in Our Stride
We Stride Around the Earth
We Are in Motion
A Time and Motion Study.”
The Adepts say the message is the same – “we must gather more lightworkers.” They say what is needed is…
“An International, Global, Light Force
So Centred in the Light.
This is the Requirement.”
They have asked us to continue the work globally. They have suggested we urgently take this powerful work forward to London, to Paris, to Naples, and on, around the world. In order to do this, we need urgent, financial support. We are asking those of you who find some usefulness in the work we send out, to consider supporting the push to gather lightworkers, by giving a donation to the Unity Trust in order to make the continuation of the work possible. We would be so very grateful! We are working day and night on behalf of the lightworkers, humanity, and the Earth. We are blessed by the work.
Bank account details for the Unity Trust are as follows:
Our Givealittle internet page link is:
We hope with all our heart that you can help.
As we are a registered charity in New Zealand, all donations are tax deductible for New Zealand residents.
“The Governance of the Light is the True Governance on Earth.”
With thanks
In love, light, and service
Nicola Mannering
Founding director of the Unity Trust.