Unity Trust - Global Vision
The Unity Trust is a charitable, not-for-profit trust, dedicated to world service promoting spiritually focused education, and meditation, whilst embracing a fully inclusive, non-sectarian and non-political heart and mind. The Unity Trust is the umbrella organisation created to oversee the GeoWalk Project. GeoWalk is a global meditation walk based on sacred geometry and the focusing and distribution of light, love and goodwill to humanity and the Earth.
The vision of the Unity Trust is a global one, and it is expected that its work will eventually be established throughout the world. The foundations are being mindfully created to establish templates in order to make this goal possible. Unity is the essential basis of all life, seen and unseen, and when humanity is able to fully embrace this essential and fundamental unity, our way of being on the Earth will manifest true love and harmony, in accord with divine principles.
About the Unity Trust
The Unity Trust was founded by Nicola Mannering in 2013 in Nelson, New Zealand. The idea for the Trust arose long before GeoWalk was inaugurated, however it took another two years after the inauguration of GeoWalk on 15 June 2011 before it was to take form as a registered charity. The Trust gained charitable status on 10 June 2013. The founding trustees are Carole Green of Nelson and Murray Rogers of Golden Bay. Corina Nino joined us in 2014.
While continuing to focus on the establishment of GeoWalk, the Trust is also launching a new project this year, 2015, The Unified Field Project. We plan to landscape and plant a permanent GeoWalk on the field, which has been given to the Trust for this purpose - THE UNIFIED FIELD.
Other projects which the Unity Trust will implement include Meditation Mission, a non-sectarian vehicle for assisting humanitarian and ecological crises through the combined use of group meditation and visualisation, and the raising and offering of funds to humanitarian organizations such as the Red Cross.
Unity Trust Mission Statement
The Unity Trust aims to promote peace, goodwill, equality and right understanding between all peoples of the world, regardless of race, creed, gender, background, culture or colour, and to offer education as to the true, underlying unity of humanity and indeed of the Earth and the Cosmos. We also aim to encourage a right relationship with the Earth in supporting a sustainable way of life and the wise use and sharing of the Earth’s resources.
Unity Trust Charitable Purpose
The Trust is committed, in attaining its purposes, to:
3.1 Promote peace, goodwill, unity, equality, and right understanding between all peoples, and the encouragement of a right relationship with the Earth.
3.2 Educate through the publication and dissemination of material promoting the non-sectarian Ageless Wisdom teachings and any or all other Wisdom teachings which expound and deepen understanding of the Essential Unity of Life, and of humanity’s movement toward greater understanding, brotherhood, sisterhood, and unity.
3.3 Establish GeoWalk, a non-sectarian global meditation vehicle for united global action aimed at promoting goodwill, right human relations and understanding.
3.4 Establish Meditation Mission, a non-sectarian vehicle for assisting humanitarian and ecological crises through the combined use of group meditation and visualisation, and the offering of funds to established humanitarian organizations such as the Red Cross.
3.5 Establish Standing for Peace, a global peace meditation initiative for people of all faiths.
3.6 Promote the scientific path of service and compassion in order to assist our brothers and sisters and the lower kingdoms (animal, vegetable and mineral), and develop our true spiritual nature, that is, to come into rapport with the Self, the soul, the true spiritual entity.
3.7 Establish links and commonalities between the study of divine, inter- dimensional science and the continually developing discipline and field of science, as it exists today.
3.8 Provide other support and assistance consistent with this charitable purpose.
The Unity Trust Symbol
The Unity Trust symbol or logo is based on the letters U and T, which embody the receptive and creative principles respectively. These principles, made concrete through the letter symbols, have been intertwined so as to become fully united, balanced and harmonious. The U symbolises the Chalice, the feminine principle of receptivity, containment and nurturing. The vertical stroke of the T symbolises the Sword of Spirit, entering the Chalice, the Matrix of Matter. The T joined with the U creates the Unity between Spirit and Matter. As an integrated whole, the Unity Trust symbol expresses also the third, or middle principle – that of Consciousness – which emerges when the two opposing poles, creative and receptive, unite.
Founding Director
Nicola Mannering
Nicola Mannering was born in Christchurch, New Zealand in 1954. She trained as an artist at the University of Canterbury in the early 1970s, after which time she travelled in Australia and India with her teacher, a Canadian Buddhist monk in the Tibetan tradition. She later joined a Japanese spiritual organization, learning to give light from the palm of the hand. After raising a family and on suffering a major health crisis, she was contacted by those who serve on the inner planes on the side of the light. She began to receive regular hints and short instruction via mental impression, a form of telepathy. She recognized the spiritual power and beauty, and the global implications, of what was being given. It is this continuing guidance and inspirational impulse which led her to found the Unity Trust and the GeoWalk Project. Nicola is also a writer and has dedicated her life to the search for spiritual understanding.
The vision of the Unity Trust is a global one, and it is expected that its work will eventually be established throughout the world. The foundations are being mindfully created to establish templates in order to make this goal possible. Unity is the essential basis of all life, seen and unseen, and when humanity is able to fully embrace this essential and fundamental unity, our way of being on the Earth will manifest true love and harmony, in accord with divine principles.
About the Unity Trust
The Unity Trust was founded by Nicola Mannering in 2013 in Nelson, New Zealand. The idea for the Trust arose long before GeoWalk was inaugurated, however it took another two years after the inauguration of GeoWalk on 15 June 2011 before it was to take form as a registered charity. The Trust gained charitable status on 10 June 2013. The founding trustees are Carole Green of Nelson and Murray Rogers of Golden Bay. Corina Nino joined us in 2014.
While continuing to focus on the establishment of GeoWalk, the Trust is also launching a new project this year, 2015, The Unified Field Project. We plan to landscape and plant a permanent GeoWalk on the field, which has been given to the Trust for this purpose - THE UNIFIED FIELD.
Other projects which the Unity Trust will implement include Meditation Mission, a non-sectarian vehicle for assisting humanitarian and ecological crises through the combined use of group meditation and visualisation, and the raising and offering of funds to humanitarian organizations such as the Red Cross.
Unity Trust Mission Statement
The Unity Trust aims to promote peace, goodwill, equality and right understanding between all peoples of the world, regardless of race, creed, gender, background, culture or colour, and to offer education as to the true, underlying unity of humanity and indeed of the Earth and the Cosmos. We also aim to encourage a right relationship with the Earth in supporting a sustainable way of life and the wise use and sharing of the Earth’s resources.
Unity Trust Charitable Purpose
The Trust is committed, in attaining its purposes, to:
3.1 Promote peace, goodwill, unity, equality, and right understanding between all peoples, and the encouragement of a right relationship with the Earth.
3.2 Educate through the publication and dissemination of material promoting the non-sectarian Ageless Wisdom teachings and any or all other Wisdom teachings which expound and deepen understanding of the Essential Unity of Life, and of humanity’s movement toward greater understanding, brotherhood, sisterhood, and unity.
3.3 Establish GeoWalk, a non-sectarian global meditation vehicle for united global action aimed at promoting goodwill, right human relations and understanding.
3.4 Establish Meditation Mission, a non-sectarian vehicle for assisting humanitarian and ecological crises through the combined use of group meditation and visualisation, and the offering of funds to established humanitarian organizations such as the Red Cross.
3.5 Establish Standing for Peace, a global peace meditation initiative for people of all faiths.
3.6 Promote the scientific path of service and compassion in order to assist our brothers and sisters and the lower kingdoms (animal, vegetable and mineral), and develop our true spiritual nature, that is, to come into rapport with the Self, the soul, the true spiritual entity.
3.7 Establish links and commonalities between the study of divine, inter- dimensional science and the continually developing discipline and field of science, as it exists today.
3.8 Provide other support and assistance consistent with this charitable purpose.
The Unity Trust Symbol
The Unity Trust symbol or logo is based on the letters U and T, which embody the receptive and creative principles respectively. These principles, made concrete through the letter symbols, have been intertwined so as to become fully united, balanced and harmonious. The U symbolises the Chalice, the feminine principle of receptivity, containment and nurturing. The vertical stroke of the T symbolises the Sword of Spirit, entering the Chalice, the Matrix of Matter. The T joined with the U creates the Unity between Spirit and Matter. As an integrated whole, the Unity Trust symbol expresses also the third, or middle principle – that of Consciousness – which emerges when the two opposing poles, creative and receptive, unite.
Founding Director
Nicola Mannering
Nicola Mannering was born in Christchurch, New Zealand in 1954. She trained as an artist at the University of Canterbury in the early 1970s, after which time she travelled in Australia and India with her teacher, a Canadian Buddhist monk in the Tibetan tradition. She later joined a Japanese spiritual organization, learning to give light from the palm of the hand. After raising a family and on suffering a major health crisis, she was contacted by those who serve on the inner planes on the side of the light. She began to receive regular hints and short instruction via mental impression, a form of telepathy. She recognized the spiritual power and beauty, and the global implications, of what was being given. It is this continuing guidance and inspirational impulse which led her to found the Unity Trust and the GeoWalk Project. Nicola is also a writer and has dedicated her life to the search for spiritual understanding.